Thursday, January 17, 2013

ALDI withholding milk from food bank?

A Milwaukee-area television station is reporting that ALDI is preventing a local food bank from distributing milk rescued from a dairy that recently declared bankruptcy:

Since Monday's decision by the bankruptcy trustee for Golden Guernsey Dairy to donate the bottled milk inside the plant that suddenly closed Jan. 5, volunteers have been racing to get it to people in need.
An estimated two semi-truck loads of milk were packaged for Aldi. The grocery chain can't sell it, and the Hunger Task Force's Sherrie Tussler said so far, they won't give it away either.
"It's all ready to go, but we need the Aldi's company, we understand they're out of Illinois, simply to sign a release. Understanding that they're protected under the Good Samaritan law, their purchasing agent there still refused to sign the document today," Tussler said.
There's also an accompanying video on the page.

First, I think it's a tragedy that the workers at this dairy lost their jobs. Reading some of the related stories on the site, it seems that the capital investment group that owned the dairy shut it down without warning.  Second, why do people feel the need to put an "S" at the end of ALDI? There's only four letters in the sign, and none of them are an "S." It also drives me up the wall when people say "Barnes and Nobles" when referring to the bookstore chain. It's Barnes and Noble. Singular!

I would like to think that ALDI is simply taking extra precaution and double-checking with their legal department to make absolutely certain that they are protected from potential liability. They're legally unable to sell the milk, and it would seem rather miserly if they would rather let the milk spoil than allow it to be donated. However, we can only make assumptions at this point until ALDI either releases the milk or issues a press release explaining their position. I hope that they arrive at a decision sooner than later.

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